Friday, March 29, 2013

T.A.T.K. Landing Page

from "The Road Less Traveled" by M. Scott Peck pg. 35

    "Most people who come to see a psychiatrist are suffering from what is called either a neurosis or a character disorder.  Put most simply, these two conditions are disorders of responsibility, . . . When neurotics are in conflict with the world they automatically assume that they are at fault.  When those with character disorders are in conflict with the world they automatically assume that the world is at fault.

(pg. 36)

    Few of us can escape being neurotic or character disordered to at least some degree (which is why essentially everyone can benefit from psychotherapy if he or she is seriously willing to participate in the process). The reason for this is that the problem of distinguishing what we are and what we are not responsible for in this life is one of the greatest problems of human existence. It is never completely solved; for the entirety of our lives we must continually assess and reassess where our responsibilities lie in the ever-changing course of events. Nor is this assessment and reassessment painless if performed adequately and conscientiously. To perform either process adequately we must possess the willingness and the capacity to suffer continual self-examination. And such capacity or willingness is not inherent in any of us.  . . . It is only through a vast amount of experience and a lengthy and successful maturation that we gain the capacity to see the world and our place in it realistically, and thus are enabled to realistically assess our responsibility for ourselves and the world."

Everyone is responsible for everything and you are your brother's keeper.

WARNING: Extreme Spiritual Damage Possible!!!

If you have not read 
Sow Seeds Of Wisdom"
then please, please make very sure
that you read all of it before you read This Blog.
If you have not read
"Sow Seeds Of Wisdom"
you will be very, very offended by This Blog,
because you are Very Greatly Deceived.
Only "The Free In Mind" should read this.

Click on the link below to go to
or type this into your Web Browser

(I have read
and I understand all of it,
and therefore we, as a group, 
are ready to read this.)

from "Anatomy Of The Spirit" by Caroline Myss pg. 215

"Forgiveness is not the same as telling the person who harmed you "It's okay," which is more or less the way most people view it. Rather, forgiveness is a complex act of consciousness, one that liberates the psyche and soul from the need for personal vengeance and the perception of oneself as a victim. More than releasing from blame the people who caused our wounds, forgiveness means releasing the control that the perception of victim-hood has over our psyches."

So in a nutshell:
"True Forgiveness liberates the psyche and soul from the need for personal vengeance and the perception of oneself as a victim. It releases the control that the perception of victim-hood has over our minds."

We remember very well having this attitude in general many years ago:

Some One Else: "Two wrongs don't make a right."
UnknownFriend7: "Yeah, and one wrong don't make a right either."
(As we plotted some type of revenge from having too much self pride.)

Back then, counting wrongs would have at least made us even from our point of view.  That "Chip on your shoulder" attitude can make people scared and nervous when they are around you because they don't feel free to be "only human" and make certain types of mistakes that really set you off.  That Emotional Inflexibility was the exact opposite of the attitude that The Lord Jesus Christ requires us to have concerning people making Mistakes / Unintentional Wrongs around us.

Matthew 18:21 (NKJV) Then Peter came to Him and said, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?" (22) Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven."

Seventy times seven equals 490 and the 1984 NIV uses the number 77.  Jesus Christ was just simply saying "Forgive your brother as much as necessary." By using the very low number of Seven, that you can count on your fingers, you are not being any where close to The Amount Of Mercy that The Love Of God requires. The very high numbers would require you to do some very long term detailed accounting on paper--A Very Petty Journal Of Wrongs.  But remember "Love keeps no record of wrongs" from 1 Corinthians 13:5.  The main point being this: Once your brother sees that you are very committed to his Spiritual Growth and notices how Very Loving And Patient you are towards him, he will be inspired to Grow Spiritually and become more like You / The Lord Jesus Christ living inside of you.  Remember, Fallen Nature Flesh is incapable of this type of love; you have to let The Holy Spirit Of God do it through you. (Flow Through) So with

Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?

we have this

Jim Crow Redneck: All right you Fuckin' All The Time, Illegitimate Baby Makin' Sorry Ass Nigger!! Since God really seems to believe in you Lazy Bastards, I need you to gone be A Good Boy Of A Nigger and do your best to save this country.  I know we gave y'all a very fucked up Invitation To This Party over here, but now we desperately need y'all to show us some of that Ancient Kings And Queens shit that I have a very hard time believing.  I'll believe it when I see it so gone and get to it Mr. Nigger Boy Trying To Earn A Sir.

Aryan Skinhead: Lets up the ante Billy Bob. If they don't Deliver Us From Evil, lets put them back into Slavery for a few years before we Ship Their Lying Asses Back To Africa.

Very Well Hidden Bigot White Man: We have a much better chance of Teaching Chimpanzees To Speak Chinese than we have with depending on those "No Child Support Paying, Ignorant Welfare Motherfuckers Who Don't Have Enough Sense To Pull Their Pants Up." Let's hit them in the middle of their backs every morning with a whip to remind them of their Past and (if they fail us) their Future.

UnknownFriend7: You gave me a very good idea Mr. White Man Sir.  Since "A Nigga can't seem to stay Focused On A Cause unless A White Man is hitting him in the back with A Whip," then (We are sure that Bill Cosby will agree with this.) All Black People will immediately put All The Very Ignorant Niggas on: Emancipation Probation (Freedom Is A Privilege).  After Three Certified Very Ignorant Acts, A Nigga will have to be A Slave To A Black Person (Extreme Mentoring) until they Exhibit A Respectable And Functional Mentality.

And remember, our definition of A Nigga is "An Ignorant Person" (concerning Spiritual Warfare) so race has nothing to do with being A Nigga.  This means that each one of those "First Three Niggas" at the beginning of this nonsense would already have one Certified Ignorant Act against them.

Now, by The Grace Of God, this nonsense is funny to us because we know and can stay focused on where it comes from.  In times past, we probably would have killed one of them very easily if "our lack of understanding" would have encountered their "very ignorant tongues." This means that now UnknownFriend7 walks by faith and not by sight which allows him to be immune to these evil attempts to stir up Strong Negative Emotions that demons can attach themselves to.  So whether you are White or Black or anywhere in between and you were upset by this (especially the first three) then you have some more Spiritual Work to do:

These Demon Inspired
Very Negative Attitudes
still have The Power To Upset Me so
I need to go back to

I had no problems with This Nonsense
at all so I'm ready


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